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Penn Wood Primary

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Arts Award Discover

Pupils in Penn Wood Primary school are currently working towards their Arts Award Discover. This national award celebrates young people’s participation in arts activities, research into artists and their work and sharing these discoveries with others. Penn wood school is highly committed to the arts; to Art and Design, Music, Drama and Dance. At Penn Wood School, we are lucky enough to have a specialist Music teacher and drama teacher who help us with delivering the arts curriculum. We work closely with Slough Music service who deliver our wider opportunities scheme at Penn Wood School, allowing all pupils in Year 4 to have whole class violin lessons. Beyond Year 4, pupils have the opportunity to continue learning the violin or another instrument in group lessons. Productions each year at Harvest, Christmas and at the end of year 6 showcase pupils’ talents in the arts. In 2017/8, year 6s experienced live music at a School prom at the Royal Albert Hall. The year 3s participated in a gamelan workshop. There are opportunities for children to continue their enjoyment of arts in a number of arts based after school clubs. These clubs include Drama club, Choir club and World drumming club.

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