Contact Details
- 01753521811
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH
Penn Wood Primary
and Nursery School
Children in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6 will complete statutory assessments in 2019.
Year 1
The phonics screening test will take place in the week beginning Monday 10th June 2019. Your child will sit with his/her teacher and read aloud 40 words, which will include made up words, to check that he/she has learnt phonic decoding to the expected standard. There will be a parents' meeting arranged early in 2019 where you will be able to find out more about the test and hear from your child's teacher how you can help them to be successful. You are most welcome to speak with your child's class teacher at any time about how to support their reading development at home.
Year 2
SATs for Year 2 will take place in May 2019 (dates announced closer to the time). We will be holding a number of parents' meetings and workshops, during which you will find out more about the tests and hear from your child's teacher how you can help them to prepare. In the meantime, please click below to see a guide to the tests and for advice on how to help at home.
Year 6
SATs will take place in the week beginning Monday 13th May 2019. Test dates are as follows.
Monday 13th May 2019 - English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2.
Tuesday 14th May 2019 - English reading.
Wednesday 15th May 2019 - Mathematics papers 1 and 2.
Thursday 16th May 2019 - Mathematics paper 3.
There will be a parents' meeting arranged in the new year, during which you will find out more about the tests and hear from your child's teacher how you can help them to prepare.
In the meantime, you can watch this brief video to find out more about the tests and click below to read about them.
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH