Contact Details
- 01753521811
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH
Penn Wood Primary
and Nursery School
Books are at the centre of everything we do at Penn Wood; they provide such great opportunities for developing vocabulary, language and understanding of the world. During their time in Nursery, your children will be sharing a variety of fantastic books!
In Nursery we learn through play, so the children will be immersing themselves in the rhymes and stories through a variety of activities. We will be pretending to be the characters and acting out the stories, as well as learning the texts and inventing our own. Maybe you could try making up stories at home with your child?
Please take every opportunity to share books and stories with your children, as talking about the pictures and predicting ‘what might happen next?’ is a fantastic way to get your child excited about reading, as well as increasing their vocabulary.
It would be wonderful if you could take your children to one of the local libraries in Britwell or even Slough. There is no charge to join the library and your child will then have access to a huge selection of lovely books.
In the nursery we want children to have fun whilst learning and have the confidence to have a go. There is a strong focus on counting and understanding of numbers. To support this, we will be learning to count up and count back by singing lots of rhymes and songs. Books such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears will be shared with the children which will support their understanding of counting, size, shapes, measures and pattern. This will also help children to develop their mathematical vocabulary.
Whilst out on our woodland walks we collect natural materials such as conkers, pebbles, leaves, twigs etc., and use them for counting and making repeated patterns. You can use things found at home or in the garden to practice these skills at home.
We want children to enjoy maths and see its importance in everyday life. For example, when cooking at home children are learning about measuring, counting and weighing. Whilst playing with sand and water we explore concepts such as full, empty, more and less.
We will be recording your child’s learning by uploading photos, videos and observations to Tapestry, a secure online learning journal. You will be able to access this on a computer or laptop, and also on any Apple or Android device such as a tablet or smartphone. You will be able to log on and view what your child has been up to in Nursery, and also instantly add your own photos of learning that occurs at home. Another advantage is that you can show your child’s online learning journal to members of the family.
Parents who are new to Nursery will receive an email with further details about accessing Tapestry, but please feel free to ask a member of staff for more information.
We recognise that your child learns best when school and parents work together in partnership, so we would like to thank you for your ongoing support.
Miss Stevenson and Mrs Hothi
During the Autumn Term in Nursery, we will be sharing stories exploring friendship and feelings, and we’ll be talking about children’s own experiences. We will also be sharing books which contain poetry, rhymes, rhyming and rhythmic text. The children will revisit familiar nursery rhymes, such as ‘Humpty Dumpty’ and ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’, and will also learn new ones. It would be wonderful if you could share with us any traditional songs and rhymes in home language that you have been singing with your children.
This term in Maths we will be looking at different patterns and making our own, using a variety of different colours, shapes and materials. When exploring numbers we will focus on the numbers 0-3, ensuring children have a thorough grasp of their value, and can recognise them in different formats, e.g. the spots on dice. We will be chanting the numbers in order, and touch counting objects to find the total. We will be using mathematical vocabulary such as number names, ‘bigger’, ‘smaller’, ‘more than’ and ‘less than’, and learning the days of the week. You could support your child’s learning by looking for numbers around the home, on clocks, phones, doors, car licence plates, etc, and by talking about ‘today’, ‘yesterday’ and ‘tomorrow’. We will also be learning about 2D shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, etc and looking for them in our environment.
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH