Contact Details
- 01753521811
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH
Penn Wood Primary
and Nursery School
The arrangements for partnership working to safeguard children have changed to multi-agency safeguarding partnership arrangements from September 2019. This encompasses safeguarding and protecting children and adults from abuse, neglect and criminal activities including exploitation.
The three local safeguarding partners are:
East Berkshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Director or nursing and quality |
Thames Valley Police: Slough Borough Commander |
Slough Local Authority; Statutory Directors of Childrens Services and Statutory Director of Adult Services, Chief Executive |
This group is made up of statutory leads for safeguarding adults, safeguarding children and the community safety partnership. (This includes the delivery of the 'Safeguarding Partners' function described in Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018). They provide overall strategic leadership to the safeguarding partnerhip system. Each has a shared and equal duty to lead the safeguarding system in Slough.
Click here for more information on the Slough Children Safeguarding Partnership.
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH