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Penn Wood Primary

and Nursery School

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We encourage cleanliness and neat appearance in our children.  Our uniform is smart, practical and appropriate for the school environment.

School Uniform Policy

Our school uniform is available to purchase from the school office or via Parentmail

Penn Wood School - Uniform Price List

Uniform Price (January 2024)


Sweatshirts £9.00 - £10.00

P.E. T-Shirt £5.00- £6.00

Green Polo Shirt (Reception) £ 8.00

Fleece £15.65 - £19.00

All Weather Coat £20.00

P.E. Bag £4.00

Book Bag £5.70

Water Bottle £1.30

Sun Caps £ 3.00

Legionnaire Sun Cap (Neck Cover) £ 3.00

Ties £ 2.50

Beanie Hat £4.70

Swim Cap £3.50


We ask that all children use a book bag for their school bag.  Other bags are not permitted because our cloakrooms are not large enough to store them.

School Coats


School coats form part of our uniform, and we therefore ask that coats are a dark colour: black, grey, navy blue or bottle green (the same as the school sweatshirts).  Fleeces and waterproof school jackets are available from the school office.




Boys: Girls:
Grey trousersGrey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
White shirt or polo shirtWhite blouse or white polo shirt
Green polo shirt (Foundation stage only)Green polo shirt (Foundation stage only)

Bottle green sweatshirt or fleece ~ Tree of Life Logo

A plain green unbranded item is also acceptable

Bottle green sweatshirt or fleece ~ Tree of Life Logo

A plain unbranded green cardigan is also acceptable

Grey or black socksGrey or white socks or tights
Black shoesFlat black shoes

School tie* (available from School Office)


School tie* (available from School Office)
 Hijab – green or white

*Denotes a non-essential item




As for winter but short sleeved shirts                                              As for winter but short sleeved polo shirts may be preferred or green and white checked cotton dress
Grey shorts may be preferred 



As an additional reminder, no earrings may be worn, apart from plain ear studs, or other jewellery apart from watches and religious artefacts. Your child will be asked to remove any unsuitable items worn for their own safety.





Physical Education is an important part of your child’s curriculum and it is vital that your child brings the appropriate kit for each of their planned sessions.


Children should wear their PE kits to school on PE days.


Our PE kit consists of:


Navy shorts / tracksuit bottoms

Bottle green T-shirt with Tree of Life Logo (available to buy on ParentMail)

Green or white polo tops or t-shirts without logos are permissible

Plimsolls or trainers
KS2 only - Football boots with studs (for lessons on the school field)


Football boots do not need to be the latest, most expensive pair - just sports shoes with plastic studs so that your child can take part in sports safely on the field.

If you are struggling to purchase school uniform, please speak to us.  We will shortly sell second hand uniform, more information to follow.  

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