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British Values

The British values, first set out by the government in the “Prevent strategy” in 2011, form a core part of the SMSC values promoted at Penn Wood School. Following the Dfe publication in November 2014 ( “Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC in schools”), we have revised our strategy with regard to the delivery of these fundamental British values to enable all our pupils to prepare for a life in modern Britain.

Some of the ways in which this strategy is delivered are outlined below:





All pupils are listened to and their ideas and opinions are valued. Pupil voice is strong at Penn Wood Primary School with elected pupils belonging to the School council and to the Eco team. In 2015, pupils have contributed to the decision making progress regarding the adoption of our new school rules. At parents’ meetings, parents are also consulted about changes to the school eg. school uniform and to the school menu.



The Rule of the Law


As a Rights Respecting school, children are well aware of their rights and of the rights of others both in and out of school. All pupils understand when rewards and sanctions are given. All pupils know our three school rules. Opportunities to argue and defend points of views are part of the curriculum and feature in Literacy and History lessons. In year 6, there is an annual police week where pupils explore the need for laws within society.



Individual Liberty


At Penn Wood School, we are dedicated to meeting the individual needs of all our pupils, working in a responsive way as these needs arise. This can be in the form of an intervention when pupils need some extra help with their learning or giving the pupils the opportunity to work with members of our inclusion team when a pupil’s emotional well being needs some extra attention. Our inclusion leader offers a listening ear service for pupils, parents and staff and follows through with any actions needed. Through the use of Deborah Eyre's high performance learning characteristics, we encourage all our children to become independent learners; developing pupils’ metacognitive voice and ability to stay within the learning zone. We also strongly believe that it is important to build children’s self confidence and self- esteem. Pupils have the opportunity to join a wide range of after school clubs. Pupils are taught how to respect and care for others through our PSHE and RE curriculum. Pupils are also aware of e-safety which helps them to make safe choices.



Mutual Respect


Our “Tree of life” is a visual representation of the essence and vision of our school. We include all, celebrating diversity and minimising any barriers to learning. The heart of the centre of our tree represents the all-important beliefs, attitudes, learning styles and values of all learners. As a Rights respecting school, all pupils are aware of their rights and rights of others both in and out of school. Pupils often work in a collaborative way with other children both in and out of the classroom.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Pupils learn about different faiths in RE and in assemblies. Significant feast days in different religions are recognised at school. Pupils are given the opportunity to talk about their religion and beliefs. All pupils are listened to and their views heard regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage or race.





We also understand that we have a great responsibility to safeguard pupils from extreme views and a duty to prevent pupils from being drawn into terrorism. By promoting British values, we will work with families to ensure our children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance regardless of background.

We recognise that suspicious behaviour may include changes in how pupils behave or dress; pupils becoming withdrawn and isolated or pupils glorifying violence or empathising with extreme causes. If any of these suspicions arise, then the relevant bodies will be notified and help will be sought to alleviate extremism and combat further radicalisation.

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