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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Values


At Penn Wood Primary School, we are committed to promoting Spiritual, Moral, Social and Culture (SMSC) values through a values based education.  These values are supported by our work as a Rights Respecting School.  The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child forms an integral part of everything we do in school.


SMSC values are at the heart of our work at Penn Wood Primary School. We recognise that these values are integral to fostering a climate which is conducive to learning as well as being the building blocks to forge and sustain strong relationships across the whole school community.

SMSC values are referred to and promoted by all both in and out of the classroom in our school rules, at School council meetings, Eco- warrior meetings and in assemblies. Some of our assemblies explore different faiths and others focus on the lives of notable people from varying socio-economic, ethnic and religious backgrounds. The SMSC values are taught also through the Jigsaw PSHE scheme which is delivered to all pupils from year 1 to 6.


The Jigsaw scheme brings together Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development. It holds children at its heart. Its cohesive vision helps children understand and value who they are and how they fit and contribute to the world.

In addition to these PSHE sessions, we work closely with lots of outside agencies who provide additional information to our pupils.   


At Penn Wood School, we also strongly believe in working closely with our community. Examples of this include pupils being involved in litter picks, and in performing songs and dances as well as sharing stories and poems to the old age pensioners from Manor Park day centre. Our inclusion team responds to community needs on an individual basis with regard to community cohesion, drugs education, internet safety, domestic abuse and support. Our inclusion leader regularly attends Community champion meetings and is aware of ongoing local issues (FGM and CSE). As a school, we also work with Aik Saith, a charity dedicated to promoting social change and unifying people from all communities, faiths and backgrounds. Projects with Aik Saith have included exploring community cohesion, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.  Wayne Dixon visited the school in November 2023 to discuss "Christmas Unwrapped" via interactive learning with pupils. 


Opportunities for training are regularly sought to support teachers with the promotion and the development of SMSC values in school.  Regular updates are shared in meetings and PSHE sessions with children are tailored to meet specific needs when required.

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