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Penn Wood Primary

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Student Voice

The Student Voice meets regularly with staff from the school, to discuss issues and make decisions about how the school is run. Student Voice Representatives are appointed at the start of each academic year. A representative is appointed from Year 2 and each Key Stage 2 class. Children apply for the position by carefully thinking about the role and the job description. Applications are handed to the class teacher and shortlisted. The remaining candidates then present a speech to their class and the class vote for their representative. 


Currently, the Student Voice are gathering children's views about behaviour, focusing on the questions:


  • What does excellent behaviour mean to you? Generally and behaviour for learning.

  • What could we do to improve behaviour at PW?

  • What do you think our top 5 rules and expectations should be?


The Student Voice Representavies work with staff to ensure that as a school, we are following The British values including valuing Democracy, The Rights of Themselves and Tthers, Mutual Respect and Tolerance. The Student Voice  constantly strives to make Penn Wood Primary School the best that it can be.



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