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Penn Wood Primary

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Secondary School Admissions

September 2024 entry to secondary school (for current year 6)


If your child turns 11 between 1st September 2023 and 31st August 2024 they will start secondary education in September 2024. You must apply for entry to a Secondary school through your home authority. Slough Borough Council residents can apply for non-Slough schools on our application form. The Secondary Admissions Guide, along with the relevant application form, is automatically issued to Slough residents whose children attend Slough Borough Council schools and are due to transfer at the end of the academic year. 


The four grammar schools in Slough operate as a consortium for the purpose of 11+ testing. The schools use a common 11+ entrance examination and administer it according to common procedures. A child sits just one 11+ examination, irrespective of how many of the Slough Consortium grammar schools parents are applying for. 


To register for the 11+ entrance exam for the Slough Consortium you must complete the online registration process in June 2023. This will register your child to sit the 11+ Entrance Examination for entry to Year 7 in September 2024. 


Slough Borough Council will only accept online applications from September 1st 2023 until October 31st 2023. Please ensure that this is done before 31st October as this is vital so that your child can be allocated a secondary school place. Applications are not allocation on a 'first come first served' basis so there is time to explore the options available and visit the Open Evenings hosted by the local secondary schools in the first six weeks of term, please check the school's websites to check when these are. 


Any parents who have children at Penn Wood but live outside of Slough should contact their home authority for a CAF.

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