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Penn Wood Primary

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Children's Health Advice

This page gives you website link details to NHS advice and information pages on childhood illnesses that may affect schooling. Advice can be found on cough/colds, temperature, rashes, headaches, vomiting/diarrhoea, sore throat, chicken pox and head lice. You can also call NHS 111 who can advise you directly. If your child has been ill and the symptoms are either becoming worse or they feel no better in themselves you should contact your doctor for further advice.    


Fever advice can be found here:


First thing in the morning can be a difficult time to decide whether your child is fit for school. This link provides help in making that decision.


Information can also be found on medication dosage, vaccination schedules, diet, fitness and general health and wellbeing.


Chicken Pox Virus advice can be found here

Prevention Advice


Here are some tips to help you prevent common childhood illness such as the cold virus.


Wash your hands after touching your face, cleaning your nose or sneezing. This helps to minimise the transmission of the virus.
Keep warm –wear adequate clothing at periods of wet or cold weather. Feeling cold will not give you a cold but if you are carrying the virus symptoms a cold may develop sooner.
Clean surfaces. Don’t share towels.
Eat a well-balanced diet. Vitamin supplements will not prevent the virus but can help to speed up recovery time.
Keep up with your vaccination program. Children can now receive the flu vaccination which may help limit these viruses.
Eat a well-balanced fresh food diet rich in protein, fruit and fibre, dairy and carbohydrates. Keep them well hydrated with fresh water.
Get plenty of fresh air, exercise, rest and sleep –early to bed is the key.


More information into how you can support your child’s education can be found on the Family Lives charity webpage

Scarlet Fever

Please see letter, links and guidance for health concerns regarding Scarlet Fever.


Head Lice


Please click below to read some advice from the NHS about the treatment and prevention of headlice.

Contact Details and Useful Links
