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Extended Leave and Penalty Notices

Every School Day Matters at Penn Wood School and Nursery

Did you know that across the year there are just 190 school days? That means there are already 175 days set aside for weekends, holidays and family visits. 

The law states that you do not have a right to take your child out of school during term time.  If you decide to take your children out of school you must complete a leave of absence form 2 weeks before travel.  The forms can be found in reception.


Once you have completed and signed the form, you will be invited in to meet with Mrs Wallace or Mrs Dannatt. This is to ensure we have all the information we need, and that you understand the procedures moving forward.  By signing the form you acknowledge that it acts as a Fixed Penalty Notice warning letter, and further action, including a fine, may be issued.

If you decide to take your child out of school

  • Your child’s absence will be marked as unauthorised
  • Slough Borough Council may be contacted and you could be issued with a Penalty Notice., a fine to parents or carers if they fail to ensure that their children attend school regularly. Each parent will be fined £80 per child – this increases to £160 if not paid by the deadline
  • After 20 consecutive days your child may be ‘off-rolled’ and risk losing their place at Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, which means you may have to apply for a different school
  • If you do not complete a form, regardless of the circumstances, the leave will automatically be unauthorised and subject to a penalty notice


Evidence such as last minute travel bookings, official hospital documentation or a death certificate will be required for ‘exceptional circumstances’



What is an ‘exceptional circumstance’?

The fundamental principles for defining ‘exceptional circumstances’ are that they are ‘rare, significant, unavoidable and short’.


If an event can be reasonably scheduled outside of term time it would not be considered 'exceptional'. Examples include, but are not limited to

  • Holidays planned because travel is cheaper
  • Parents' work schedule
  • Visiting family abroad
  • Illness as a reason for a delayed return, particularly after normal school holidays will not be considered unless accompanied by travel tickets dated before the school opens or other agreed dates.  


Absences to visit seriously-ill relatives or for a bereavement of a close family member are usually considered to amount to ‘exceptional circumstances’, but for the funeral service and travelling time only, not for extended leave. Further evidence such as death certificate, travel documents may be required.





What is a Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN)?

If an absence request is unauthorised, the school will notify Slough Borough Council Attendance Service. A legal intervention may be instigated in the form of a Fixed Penalty Notice.


Fixed Penalty Notices for term time leave are issued based on information and referrals received from schools. The Local Authority cannot override the decision made by the Headteacher to un-authorise the absence. If you have any reasons to believe the Penalty Notice should not have been issued please contact the school.


Please note, as of October 20th, there is the allowance to consider a second FPN for a child within one academic year.


Information on Fixed Penalty Notices (Attendance Fines)

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