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Penn Wood Primary

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Governors Welcome




Dear Parents and Carers


It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School on behalf of the Governing Board.


I would like to share with you the pride and confidence that the governors have in the school‘s leadership, staff and most of all our children.   I am sure from the moment you enter our school you will see and feel the amazing learning environment that our children, staff and governors enjoy.


School governors are ordinary people just like you.  We work alongside the Headteacher and her leadership team. Our work is strategic and we are not involved in the day to day leadership and management of the school.  This is the Headteacher’s responsibility. Governors help the school set high standards by planning for the school’s future and setting targets for school development. We act as critical friends to the leadership team to ensure that we support and challenge them to achieve the best that they can.  The Governing Board is accountable to parents and the community for what it does.


Penn Wood governors have high aspirations for our school, and are committed to providing a high quality creative learning environment which allows all our children to achieve their full potential, and ensures the best possible life chances for every one of them. I hope your child will have many memorable learning experiences while with us and that your association with our school is a rewarding and happy one.


If you would like to find out more about how to become a school governor, please contact Pauline Williams (our Governance Professional) on 


Very best wishes

Carol Pearce

Co-Chair of Governors, Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School

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