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Talk for Writing

Talk for Writing Experts at Penn Wood

Talk for Writing training


Courses planned for Spring 2025 are as follows:


TfW EYFS Open Morning - Wednesday 29th January 2025


TfW Year 6 Open Morning - Wednesday 5th March 2025


Courses planned for Summer 2025 are as follows:


TfW Open Morning (& Short-Burst Writing Workshop) - Wednesday 30th April 2025


TfW EYFS Open Morning - Wednesday 25th June 2025


To book a place, please see the flyers below.

For any other training enquiries and to discuss training options we can offer you, please contact   


Please note that cancellations within 7 days of the training event will incur a charge of the full cost of the event.  Please note that by booking you agree to, upon request, sharing your details with PCC. (Pie Corbett Consultancy)


School visits can include tours of classrooms during Talk for Writing lessons, looking at children’s work, talking with children, teachers and school leaders and training in our dedicated training space. In addition, we have and use all of Pie’s published resources; these will be available to view during the training day. 


Feedback from delegates on our Talk for Writing training at Penn Wood:


'Thank you - this has been an inspirational and informative day. It has been amazing to see Talk for Writing in action across the school, and the consistency between the learning environments was really impressive.'


- 'An inspirational school - I have learned so much about the process.'


- 'A brilliant, full day, bursting with learning and opportunities to see excellent application of TfW.'


- 'The day was absolutely fantastic! Penn Wood feels very warm and welcoming. The children we spoke to were a  real credit to the school - they could explain the TfW process with pride, enthusiasm, clarity and understanding.'


Penn Wood and the Talk for Writing approach


Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School in Slough is a large, culturally diverse school. 85% of children have English as an Additional Language and mobility is high. The school benefits from buildings and grounds that have been purposefully designed to support learning for children and adults alike.


Talk for Writing principles and practice are now firmly embedded across the school and have impacted positively upon standards in reading and writing, leadership practice across a range of areas and the development of an approach to CPD with research at its heart. The achievement gap between children entitled to pupil premium and other children nationally is closing and Talk for Writing, with its emphasis on feedback, collaboration and meta-cognition, has been key to this improvement. Pie has been pivotal in our school improvement work for five years or more and the school took part in the ‘Transforming Writing’ Research Project with the National Literacy Trust.


Based upon specific requirements, Penn Wood can tailor training packages or visits using the repertoire of themes below that reflect the essential ingredients of Talk for Writing to inform discussion:


Imitation, Innovation and Independent Application
Storytelling and the use of a Literature Spine
Reading as a reader; reading as a writer
Embedding language games and activities
Developing Toolkits for Writing
Effective Feedback – feeding back and feeding forward
Whole school planning for Talk for Writing including the allocation of texts and language features across the school
Mini-writing lessons; guided writing
Supporting the development of writing with images, objects, music and thinking maps
Creating the Environment for Talk for Writing including celebrating writing
Non-Fiction writing

Developing an approach to CPD for Talk for Writing including coaching


Contact Details and Useful Links
