Contact Details
- 01753521811
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH
Penn Wood Primary
and Nursery School
Welcome to our Year 6 page. Here you will find information about what to expect for your child in Year 6. If you have any questions, please see your child's teacher or email the school:
Useful links for Year 6 parents and children:
🍂 - Autumn curriculum information
🌱 - Spring curriculum information
SATs are national and standardised tests taken by children in Year 6 in England. SATs assess the knowledge and skills in Mathematics, English Reading, and Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling (GPS). Held every May, the 2025 Key Stage 2 SATs run from Monday, May 12th, to Thursday, May 15th.
The purpose of Key Stage 2 SATs is to measure your child's academic progress and the school's performance. SATs results are passed on to your child's secondary school to help their new school set a baseline for progress measurement and often place them into suitable sets or streams in Year 7.
SATs Subjects
We will hold a SATs meeting for parents during the Spring Term to deliver more information and answer any questions you may have.
In Year 6, we set homework on a Wednesday and expect it to be completed by the following Wednesday.
Homework is set weekly on Google Classroom.
Please use these links to access homework assignments:
Google Classroom - two quizzes set every Wednesday
Spelling Shed - activities set every Tuesday
Conquer Maths - work set every Wednesday
First News - a great resource for independent practice
Reading Progress on Teams - reading task set weekly
Children can use devices in school if necessary.
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH