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Penn Wood Primary

and Nursery School

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The Eco Team at Penn Wood is made up of representatives from each class, elected by their classmates.   The team looks at environmental issues and tries to find ways of making the environment more economical and more sustainable – so that they are helping to protect the environment for future generations.


Penn Woods’ Eco Team involve themselves in many different activities, including:


· Big Tidy-Up events when litter is collected from the local area


· Switch Off Fortnight, when the cost of unnecessary energy wastage is highlighted and monitored.


· Recycling and reducing waste – both food and paper


· Travel to school – encouraging walking, scooting and cycling


· Workshops that develop their knowledge on ways to reduce risk to wildlife in their area


Penn Wood Eco Warriors 2023-2024

Our Eco Warriors took part in a 'Big Tidy Up' event around the school and local area. Well done warriors, keep it up!

Gardening Club have been hard at work clearing the raised beds ready for planting. They learnt how to pull the weeds up by the roots to ensure their new plants didn't have any unwanted competition!

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