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Penn Wood Primary

and Nursery School

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Lunch Events & Menus

School Meals
A tasty and nutritious midday meal is cooked on the premises. Halal Meat is available on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, with a vegetarian option available throughout the week. Children may also purchase a 'Grab bag' with a sandwich, biscuit and a piece of fruit. Alternatively pupils may bring a 'Healthy' packed lunch in named containers. You may wish to provide your child with a drink in an unbreakable container. Drinking water is available and other drinks can be bought from Treetops. Hot or fizzy drinks must not be sent into school.


We are delighted at Penn Wood to have the innovative Cashless system from Cunninghams. The system enables each child to have its own 'bank account' of money to purchase meals, snacks and drinks from our Treetops restaurant. We no longer accept cash at school and all payments must be made online. Please ensure your child's account is topped up on a regular basis.


Free School Meals
If you are receiving Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance or Child Tax Credit then your child may be entitled to receive free school meals. Please let staff in the school office know and they will, in confidence, help you to arrange this. The Cashless system ensures complete anonimity for children who are entitled to a free meal.


The cost of a school meal 2023-2024 is £2.99

An optional apple or orange juice can be purchased (65p)

Contact Details and Useful Links
