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Penn Wood Primary

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A Dragon Egg

A glint of gold, sparkling in the sunlight. Something nestling on a fallen log. Golden scales obscured by a pile of leaves. What could it be? Yes... A DRAGON EGG!


Year 4 were exploring in the woodlands when they came across a mysterious letter. Opening it and reading it aloud, they found it was from mother dragon, asking the children to find and protect her dragon egg. The children set off on a hunt for the dragon egg and it wasn't long before they found it! Gently laying it on a bed of leaves, they took the egg back to the classroom. Now, they wait for mother dragon to come and collect her fallen egg.


This activity served as a wonderful hook to engage children in their new English text all about dragons! Over the next few weeks, the children will learn about what dragons like to eat, their appearance, habitat and lots of interesting facts about dragons. They will then get the chance to write their own report all about a mythical creature of their own creation.

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