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Penn Wood Primary

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Active Movement

Active Movement

At Penn Wood School, we are committed to the Active Movement programme. We now know that sitting less, standing often and moving more as part of our everyday routine has a major impact on physical and emotional well-being.


What we do at school?

We have made classroom routine changes so that we can be more active. For example, we stand up when we answer a question. The class stands when the register is taken. Lesson delivery becomes more dynamic by adding standing and moving. Pupils also have the opportunity to go on active walks around the school environment.


What you can do at home?

The Active Movement programme is designed so that the entire community benefit and also act as a support to each other. At home, talk to your children about Active Movement and how it affects school life. Join in with their homework and encourage them to sit less and move more at home. Add Active Movement to your own daily routine whether you are at work or at home. Use the car less often and take a regular family walk. And don’t forget to share this information with elderly relatives too – sitting less will improve their muscle strength and balance too.

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