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Interfaith Week

We hope the whole school community enjoyed Interfaith Week this year! It was a brilliant way to celebrate and understand different faiths.


We started the week with a virtual assembly from a professional Indian dancer called Nikita from the Dancing Nikita Company. She taught the children about Kathak dancing and we all joined in and learnt some dance moves!


In the middle of the week, year 4 had the unique opportunity to have a dhol workshop by a professional dhol player called Lakhan from High Rated Drummers and Baja Beats UK. The children learnt about the drum that originates from India and got to play a beat on it too! At the end of the school day, Lakhan performed to the school community and it was smiles all round!


Throughout the week, each class learnt how to write the first letter of their first name in Arabic. Every class wrote their Arabic letters on a jigsaw piece to make a whole jigsaw for the class. This shows how connected we are, no matter what our faith or background!


To end the week, classes had time to share traditions from their faiths and cultures as well as to ask questions, because it's okay to ask and be curious! Some classes enjoyed cake from a local baker, Neelam from Sweet Vision, as they chatted about their religions and beliefs.

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