Contact Details
- 01753521811
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH
Penn Wood Primary
and Nursery School
On Tuesday 19th October, fencing coaches from Little Muskeeteers came into school to deliver workshops to pupils in years 3, 4 and 5. During the course of the workshop, pupils acquired new fencing skills and worked on their balance and coordination. This was the first time the children had taken part in a fencing activity.
“It was wonderful to see how engaged the pupils were in the activity. They showed great self-control and confidence. They were able to master the ‘on guard’ position very well indeed. They loved taking part in a new activity. “
A.Deol, Year 3 classteacher, 21/10/21
Penn Wood Primary and Nursery School, Penn Road, Slough, SL2 1PH