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Reception had a lovely visit from Charlie from Kent Owl Academy who came all the way from Maidstone just to visit us! They showed us four different species of owls including a barn owl and a brown owl. The brown owl was called Percy just like Percy from our focus text, ‘Owl Babies.’ The barn owl was called Cupid as he is often the ringbearer at weddings!


We learnt so much about owls such as where they live, what they eat and how they hunt for their food at night time. We had an assembly in the morning where Charlie let Cupid fly over our heads so that we could see its wings and feathers. Did you know that owls with dark eyes are nocturnal animals and owls with lighter eyes come out at dawn and dusk? 


Charlie showed us the owl pellets and we learnt that we can find out what the owl has eaten by looking inside. She opened up the pellets and found fur and a skull. The barn owl had eaten a whole mouse! 


We each got to stroke the owls and feel how soft their feathers were. The owls didn’t mind at all. We all had a wonderful time and having this real-life experience is really going to help us with our writing next week. 

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