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This half term in literacy, our focus text has been ‘At the End of the Rainbow.’ In this story, there a vet called Mr Jenkins. We were lucky enough to have a visit from Mrs Mielcarek, a real veterinary nurse, to talk to us about her job!This half term in literacy, our focus text has been ‘At the End of the Rainbow.’ In this story, there a vet called Mr Jenkins. We were lucky enough to have a visit from Mrs Mielcarek, a real veterinary nurse, to talk to us about her job!


She brought in lots of real photographs and props from the veterinary surgery with her for us to look at and explore. She taught us why it is important to take our pets to the vets, why pets are microchipped and what happens when our pets get poorly. Mrs Mielcarek talked us through how to put on bandages, how to listen to a heartbeat using a stethoscope and she even showed us what vets wear when they are performing operations. Mrs Lewandowska modelled the outfit for us!


We have all learnt so much about the role of a vet – thank you Mrs Mielcarek! 

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