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Penn Wood Primary

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Roman soldiers marched 20 miles a day to build up their stamina. They built the first roads in the UK, some of which we still use today. They held extravagant banquets that often lasted for hours! These are just some amazing facts the children learned during their Roman Workshop. 

Over the Autumn term, the children learned all about how the Romans ruled over Britain and the changes they made when they settled. Some of the activities the children took part in included identifying the different foods the Romans brought to Britain from the countries they conquered, learning about the significance of the clothes they wore and the amazing bath houses they built. The children also learned about what life was like for rich and poor Roman children, noting similarities and differences between their lives and the lives of children in the past. Finally, they made their own beautiful mosaics!

It was so wonderful to see the children all dressed up in their Roman inspired clothing. We could see how much effort the children had put in and we were so proud of them! They had a wonderful day and learned a lot about the Romans.

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