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Penn Wood Primary

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Visit from Aaron Phipps

On Wednesday 19th May, Aaron Phipps, a Parlaympian rugby and basketball player came and visited Penn Wood school. Having contracted meningitis as a teenager, he spoke of the choices he had to make and how he decided to do everything in his power to make the most of his disability, ending up representing the UK at basketball in 2012 Paralympics. In assemblies to key stage 2 pupils, he spoke passionately of this perseverance and determination.  Year 5 pupils took part in a workshop where they discovered more about how energy and endurance which helped him to scale Mount Kilimanjaro. 

We wish Aaron all the best in the Tokyo Paralympics!


"Life throws curve balls; it's up to us to choose how we deal with them."


To learn more about Aaron - click on our Thing Link here.

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