On Tuesday 9th July Year 1 went on a trip to Windsor Castle. This trip was planned to support our learning in History about Windsor and why it is an important place in history and today. The day was packed full of activities which gave the children a great insight into what life at the castle would have been like in the past and what it is used for today. We walked through the State Apartments and admired the amazing paintings and furniture. We also had lots of fun trying to spot the white shields in St George's Hall of knights who had committed treason! St. George's Chapel was our next stop and it was wonderful to see where some people come to worship as well as the place where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were married last year, alongside many other important events. We also took part in a taught session where a member of staff at the castle talked to us about what life was like hundreds of years ago in the castle and about all of the different kings and queens who have lived there over time. One of our favourite parts of the day was watching the Changing of the Guards. It amazed us how good the marching band were and we even tried marching like the soldiers ourselves! Year 1 represented Penn Wood proudly and they showed wonderful respect and kindness throughout the day.