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Year 5 and 6 Level 2 Bikeability Fun! #cycletoschoolweek

At Penn Wood we like to go above an beyond! This week, in order to celebrate cycle to school week, we went that extra mile. Some of our Year 5 and 6 children took completed their level 2 cycle training this week. 


The training develops skills for cycling on single-lane roads with simple junctions and moderate traffic and includes core functions for safe and responsible cycling. During the course, riders were required to;


-Make frequent observations

-Choose and maintain the the most suitable riding position

-Communicate intentions to others and understand the priorities on the road, particularly at junctions.


The instructor assessed each individual rider's independent cycling skills and accesses them against the UK National Standards for cycle training.


The children were brilliantly brave and thoroughly enjoyed their experience, especially on the road cycles. I recently read a quote that inspired me, it read, "If you do something right the first time, it isn't hard enough!" Very true words. 


Congratulations to all of the children who took part. You didn't give up and I was privileged to see your hard work and dedication pay off. Well done!


Kind regards,


Mrs Downer



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