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Penn Wood Primary

and Nursery School

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Physical Education

Physical Education Intent statement

Every year Penn Wood strives to get more pupils playing and getting involved in sport, from football, basketball, to tri-golf.


Each class has a minimum of 2 hours a week of Physical Education, along with the option of joining after school clubs for an hour after the school day has finished. The school also has a sports day at the end of the year for each year to participate in, even reception pupils can join in!


There are many teams children can join, including football, tag rugby, cricket & many other sporting competitions to participate in.

Click on the link below to learn more about our PE Curriculum:

Health and Wellbeing


Here are some creative ideas to encourage physical activity beyond "go play outside"—including activities and exercises you can do together with kids.


>   Twister
>   Dance + freeze
>   Yoga
>   Beanbag toss
>   Jump rope
>   Hopscotch
>   Obstacle course
>   Foursquare

Slough are keen to provide support to their community during this time - visit this page to find out more: Get Fit to Fight the Virus.



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