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Religions and Worldviews

Religions and Worldviews Curriculum Intent Statement

Religions and Worldviews are taught in accordance with the Berkshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2018), Jigsaw Materials and our own detailed curriculum overviews. We are very conscious of the multi-cultural and multi-denominational composition of our school. Strong links and connections are made across faiths and celebrations in many ways (lessons, assemblies and Interfaith Week).


Our teaching of Religions and Worldviews aim to support and extend the children's knowledge of Christianity and other world religions, such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism. The children investigate and reflect on ‘big questions’ which cover the three key areas: believing, behaving and belonging. Children explore religion through stories, creative writing, art, drama and artefacts. We are committed to creating experiences for children at Penn Wood, therefore the children will visit a range of places of worship to extend their investigations.

The curriculum encourages spiritual, emotional and moral development through the exploration of key concepts:


Shared human experiences (kindness, respect, truth, forgiveness)
General religious concepts (faith, God, sacred, worship)
Concepts linked to specific religions (Shabbat in Judaism, importance of church for Christians)


Key Policies and Documents

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